Living in the far west of Cornwall, we really don’t need to worry about the vagaries of winter other than an increased risk of more heavy rain, more mud and bigger gales. It came as a shock, therefore, to wake up to frosted windscreens on our daily cars recently. This is an extremely rare event for us, twice last winter as I recall, but it made me consider the fitness for use of my MGB as we approach more clement weather. In particular, I decided that I should check the age and condition of the tyres. We all know that there must be a minimum of 1.6mm of tread around the entire circumference but what about the sidewalls? If the sidewalls are showing any degree of crazing or cracking, this potentially makes the tyre unfit for purpose as the rubber has hardened. This can occur over a relatively short period if the tyre is exposed to too much UV. I had a newish trailer wheel tyre rot through in 18 months as it stood unused whilst exposed to the weather. Our cars can rest for prolonged periods, whether under cover or not, so it is worth checking the condition, including for fl at spots caused by standing, reduced pressures and age. If the tyre is more than five years old, even with loads of tread and only nominal mileage, it is worth checking for your own peace of mind and to avoid being in breach of the law. That’s without any considerations for safety.

John Watson went to see the cars passing through the Midlands on the Historic Monte Carlo Rally. It was a very cold February 1 morning when we left Abingdon to drive to wave the 2018 cars through the centre of Banbury. They had left Paisley in Scotland the afternoon before and had driven down through snow and rain to arrive mid-day in Banbury. A group of us from the MGB and Midget Register and some local AWC members watched the cars arrive and after an hour’s break they drove off towards Dover to cross to France and then two to three days to Monte. We welcomed a James and Norma Watson (no relation) from Dunfermline in Scotland to Oxfordshire in their MGB GT, as well as MGCC member Andy Smith in an ex-B&G MGB.

I wonder how many of us would be brave enough to take on that challenge. Our MG3 would cope very well, but I am unsure about the MGB, even though I have driven it 1,200 miles in a long weekend without any problems. A round trip to North Yorkshire in autumn is one thing… Monte Carlo in winter is something else! Hats off and Bon Chance!

Thinking of trips out, do remember the Register Spring Run. There are some places still available. This year, on Sunday April 15, we will be starting and finishing at the award-winning Haynes Motor Museum in Sparkford, Somerset. Cost is £28 and the booking form is on the events page.

Now, go and check your tyres!