Well, just as I was contemplating the extraction of my MGB from its hibernation Winter had a last word on the matter. Hopefully that has now all past and we can contemplate Spring and Summer runs, expeditions, gatherings et al. Thinking of that I did make it to the AGM at Kimber House, 520 mile/ 850 kilometers round trip in the day and jolly good it was.  I risked Gill Watson’s ire by proposing that John take over again as Chairman, unanimous, and we have a new member who knows how to generate web pages using the new-fangled methods and software. So, have a look at the website at to see the changes and frequently updated events and news pages.

John reminds me that there are a load of happenings just around the corner which may be of interest, depending on where you are.  ( it’s always worth looking up your local natter for things closer to home ). However, the Practical Classics Restoration Show is on from  the 23rd to the 25th March when the Marathon car will be on show.  MG at Brooklands, with reserved parking, on 8th April and the Spring Run on the 15th April; bookings for that are now closed but JW says to let the organiser know if you still fancy a go.  All details on the website!

I had a communication from Tony Taylor who, having read Andy Knott, Paul Hollingsworth and my comments and thoughts in March SF! wonders about how we use our cars and are long lay ups necessarily a good idea.  Here are snippets from him…..

…..just how reliable is a 46 year old MGB GT – particularly after a winter lay-up and does the lay-up cause us some of our “problems”?  My background of old British motorbikes, including racing, gave me plenty of practice of road-side repairs plus my time mending piston engined aeroplanes makes me think that in general, the lay-up is not a good idea.  I do keep the MGB in use all year round, obviously pick the good dry days for a run out, usually the 75 mile round trip to the airfield. Our cars are a bit like people, regular exercise is good, lying idle is bad, things stop working properly, particularly fuel pumps and rear brakes in MGs. Electrics do suffer from lack of use, but at least, we have simple systems, no dreaded ECU or other magic black boxes to contend with.  Most of the other bits, engine, gearbox and axle are pretty bomb proof and they do tell us reasonably early by noise, vibration or some other manifestation that all is not well.

So, what do others think re the Winter lay up?