Register your MGB Car with Us

For historical reasons, we like to know about all MGB’s, whether they are owned by members or not, so anyone is welcome to send in their car details. If you are not already a member of the MG Car Club then please consider joining, see the MG Car Club website for details.

This information will be added to our database. Even if your car is already scrapped or sold your information will be useful. Your data will be strictly confidential and will only be distributed to those Committee members with a need to know.

Pictures of registered members’ cars can be seen on our photo gallery – click here.

MGB Register Plaque

Plaques(Size: 52mm x 35mm)
Inscribed with your MGB Register number are available to MG Car Club members for only £12.00. Non Members £17.00

Order online via Regalia Shop or Contact the Registrar for details.

Register Look Up

It is now possible to check if your car is on the MGB Register.

It can be searched using the UK Reg, this will advise if the car is on the MGB Register including colour and bodystyle.


You can check using the chassis number, this will advise on the MGB Register Number, Colour and bodystyle.

MGB Register Checker

    Please send Membership Enquiry Pack


      On the Road,Off the Road SORN,
