I am opening this newsletter with the exact same sentence that I used in May; there is a sense of deja vu about this. Everybody holed up with a suitable supply of Speckled Hen and getting under management’s feet when not polishing the MGB and muttering darkly to yourselves, eh? I know the feeling. Having cancelled the AGM, scheduled for March 22, it finally happened on October 24 using Zoom. Highly successful with participants from far-flung corners of the colonies. I was not able to attend as my wife and I had a novel invitation – to a drive-thru flu jab, no less! Wonderfully organised by our medical practice in the middle of an enormous field. Together with a test for Covid, negative thankfully, I am now properly set up for an isolated Christmas with my wife, daughter and our dogs.

MGB Register AGM Via ZOOM
We are all dreadfully saddened by the death of Don Hayter. He has been, and will continue to be, so well regarded as an outstanding creative automobile engineer. Several members, with their MGBs, helped form the cortege accompanying him on his final journey and we have had an appreciative and appreciated letter from Mary, his widow. When you drive your MGB think occasionally of its creator and enjoy it!

A few of the MGBs that accompanied Don on his final journey. Photo: John Lakey
All I have to say now is have a Merry, but safe, Christmas.