Due to the current Coronavirus outbreak, in order to safeguard the health of our members, we have taken the decision to POSTPONE the MGB Register AGM originally scheduled for the 22nd March.
A further update will be provided when we have rescheduled the meeting. Thank you for your patience – keep safe everyone.
If you have any questions on the running of the MGB Register please contact me
John Watson
Chairman MGB Register
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2019 AGM.
3. Matters Arising.
4. Chairmans Report.
5. Secretary’s report.
6. Treasurer’s report and adoption of accounts.
7. Registrar’s report.
8. Election of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee.
9. Any other business.
Nominations for Election to the Committee / Committee posts and AOB Agenda items should be submitted to the Secretary by March 8th 2020.
All communications to Neil Hyett, Secretary.
Email: secretary@mgb-register.org
Mobile: 07768 414641