…….and a Happy New Year to All!!
I put up a plaintive request on the Register Facebook page for any suggestions for suitable material for these notes and had several, printable, responses. They will be used over the next couple of months and my thanks go to those members. If you have something that you would like to see published please get in touch. Meanwhile these timely reminders from long-serving member David Askew…
I use the tips on overwintering your MGB. If not being taken out then running up to normal temperature, rolling backwards and forwards to avoid flat spots on tyres, giving the electrics a squirt of WD40, washing and giving the bodywork a good waxing. cleaning interiors and feeding leather seats. Ensuring the correct anti-freeze mix in the radiator. On my own car whilst running the engine I tested all the lights, indicators, horn, etc. I have chrome Rostyles so they get a coating of wax. There are many other tips worth repeating, especially to new to MGB ownership members.
Tom Brearly added the following:
You could perhaps present two sides of the coin. If using your B regularly during the winter, improve the heating by fitting an 88 degree thermostat. You can also blank off the air intake with a piece of clear plastic, open the dash vents, put the fan on and re-circulate warm air through the matrix. Blanking off the oil cooler and 1/3 of the radiator when weather is cold also helps keep the engine happy. Douse the lower body and bumpers with clear anti-corrosion wax like Dynax UC. Remember to try some handbrake turns in Tesco’s car park when snowy to get a feel for grip limits.
I keep mine under a suitable padded cover with a 60W tube heater under the sump and some windows open. A smart battery charger keeps the battery conditioned and the trickle discharge to the tracking device under control. A liberal squirt of WD40 on the chrome seems to do the necessary. Our new ZS does everyday duty.
Hopefully, the new year will bring more opportunities than has been our lot of late.
Stay safe!
All I have to say now is have a Merry, but safe, Christmas.