Safety Fast December 2017
I trust that you are ensconced in your favourite chair whilst reading these notes, with a glass of your particular favourite beverage, in my case a hot chocolate drink laced with 124 proof Black Pusser’s Rum, and that your MG is suitably either wrapped up for the winter or road ready for those in warmer climes. Either way, Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to you all.
Thinking of winter preparations, I place a 60W tube heater, as used in clothes closets, under the sump and cover the car with a purpose made cover. It just keeps the chill off and the damp out. This year, though, my insurers, Heritage, kindly offered tracking devices to their customers and so mine is fitted in the car and wired permanently to the battery. When not actually working, my battery is isolated from the car electrics with a simple switch. It protects from any wiring problems and adds a degree of security, so the tracker needs wiring directly to the battery terminals. So, now we have a continuous drain on the battery and the car is, effectively, in storage. To maintain battery condition I use a CTEK charger/conditioner attached to the battery directly and, as this is what is called a smart meter, this conditions the battery whilst allowing the tracker to function and all in isolation from the rest of the vehicle electrical systems.
George Wilder, Andrew Vigor and John Watson have been having a debate among themselves as to where the plate showing the body number is positioned. Somewhere on the front nearside inner wing with a spot weld seems to be the current thinking. My car goes against their conclusions in that it is riveted on and includes letters as well as numbers. Mine is a later MK1 car, having been built in June of 1967, so the question is: when did the spec for the body number change? George would like to hear from members with Mk1 cars.
Graham Dix has resigned from his position as Register Chairman, citing work pressure. Neil Hyett is holding the fort pro tem and John Watson has agreed to take up the starting handle again at the AGM. We would like to thank Graham for his time, effort and technical advice whilst he was in post.