MGB Register AGM 2024
Date: Saturday 26th April 2024.
Time: Starting at 11.00am UK time.
Venue: The MG Car Club Ltd, Kimber House, 12 Cemetery Road,
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1AS.
For those unable to attend Kimber House, you can join the meeting via Zoom.
To register your attendance via Zoom please complete this form
or email: agm2025@mgb-register.org by 23rd April 2024.
Please include MGCC Membership number when registering.
- Apologies for absence.
- Approval of the previous AGM Minutes.
- Matters Arising.
- Chairman’s report.
- Secretary’s report.
- Treasurer’s report and adoption of accounts.
- Registrar’s report.
- Election of Officers
- Election of Committee.
- Any other business.
Nominations for Election of Officers, Committee and
AOB Agenda items should be submitted by 20th April 2025.
to Neil Hyett, Secretary MGB Register