Spring Run 2025
The 2025 Spring Run – Starts at Millets Farm – finishing at National Trust Stowe.
Entry is £28 for MGCC members & £34 for non members.
Starting at Millets Farm Centre, where you can grab breakfast or hot drinks before setting off on our Spring Run.
Entry includes a full route book, rally plaque and entry to the tea room, shop and toilets.
We will be starting from Millets Farm Centre west of Abingdon more info here.
Finishing at National Trust Stowe
There is a maximum limit of 100 MG’s – closing date for entries 31st March.
To Book Online
Payment can be made via PayPal or Bacs.
- Please make a BACS payment for £28 MGCC or £34 Non MGCC per car to the following account
- Bank: HSBC Sort Code: 40-08-10
- Account No: 51660969
- Account Name: M.G. Car Club Limited (The)
- “Spring” along with your Car Registration number as the reference
- Finally, complete the online booking form below to submit your details
- Download and print the Booking Form (PDF format) by clicking here
- Make cheque for £28 MGCC or £34 Non MGCC per car payable to MGCC- MGB Register
- Send cheque with your completed printed booking form to the following address:
MGB Register Secretary, Neil Hyett, 15, Somerville Drive, Bicester, OX26 4TU
Please remember to either supply an email address or a stamped addressed envelope.